Reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.
"the opportunity to upcycle trash, or turn it into new products, was vast"
10 Best Ways to Upcylce Jeans
- Custom pillow decor
- Arm chair reupholstering
- Patches on old jean
- Create shorts from jeans
- Reworked denim
- Custom tote bag
- Dog bed
- Hats / scarves
- Costers
- Rugs
Benfits to The Planet
1. Conserving natural resources
2. Protecting ecosystems and wildlife
3. Reducing demand for raw materials
4. Saving energy
5. Cutting climate-changing carbon emissions
6. Cheaper than waste collection and disposal
7. Creating jobs
If in doubt, remember those three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle